Genesis Timelines

NOTES to consider

Noah was 600 years old when the flood destroyed the earth and all living creatures. The same year Methusalah died

Genesis chapter eleven timeline

NOTES to consider

Shem, the youngest son of Noah was 290 years old when Abram was born. Shem the last living man on both sides of the flood.

Shem was born while Noah was building the ark. The first 96 years of his life was spent in the shadow of Noah’s preaching of the coming judgment of God. Note: do we grow weary of hearing about the coming of the Lord?

Having seen the “world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished” . He saw firsthand the wrath of God against idol worship, among other evils, and was a testimony of God’s judgment against such. Therefore Terah(Abram’s father) was without excuse for his idolatry. Joshua 24:2