What about “Speaking in Tongues” and “Divine Healers”?

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The Charismatic Movement is a modern phenomenon which had its beginnings in the U.S.A just before the turn of the 20th century. In the last 60 years, it has snowballed into the most active movement within Christendom. One of the main reasons for this is because of the spiritual deadness of most mainline denominational “churches” – and the apparent “aliveness” of the Charismatics.
Don’t be fooled!! – II Corinthians 11:13-15. The test of whether something is right or wrong is NOT determined by how it “feels” or by who’s doing it, but by “What saith the Lord?” – Isaiah 8:20.

A. The Bible defines “tongues” as known, understandable foreign languages –Acts 2:4-11. The Charismatics do not practice this. They speak in a babbling gibberish – which at the least is a psychologically-induced, ecstatic aberration that comes about when the conscious mind loses control and the subconscious takes over.

B. In the Bible, the miraculous gift of being able to speak in an unknown foreign language was a sign to unbelieving Jews – I Corinthians 1:22;14:21,22; Isaiah 28:11. In each recorded case in the New Testament where the miracle of tongues occurred (only three) – Jews, and at least one apostle, were present. See: Acts 2:5; Acts 10:45,46; Acts 19:6.

C. The Bible says “tongues shall cease” (I Corinthians 13:8) and then goes on to say when they would cease – verse 10.
Now the Charismatic will argue that “that which is perfect” refers to Christ, and that tongues will continue until the Second Coming of Christ. But Joel 2:28-31 indicates an outpouring of the Holy Spirit with associated gifts after the Rapture!!

No. “That which is perfect” refers to the “more sure” Word of God, which replaced the gift of prophecy – II Peter 1:19-21.

D. If the gift of tongues was still operative today, which it is not, the Bible would place certain restrictions on its use:

1. No more than three people to speak in a foreign language during any meeting – I Corinthians 14:272. Each speaker must follow after the other has finished, I Corinthians 14:27
(“..by course..”) – i.e. not all at once.3. One person is to interpret – I Corinthians 14:27.4. If there is no interpreter available, then no one should sp

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